What have prisoners and koalas got in common?


Right! From the first point of view – nothing really! BUT let me tell you our story… Since 2002 the Lotus Glen Prison, located 14 kilometres south of Mareeba, and Rainforestation Nature Park, collaborating on a project to feed our cute Koalas at Rainforestation Nature Park in Kuranda, Cairns Zoom Dome and the Wildlife Habitat […]

The Freshwater Crocodile: Fun Facts

Freshwater Crocodile Facts

Here in Tropical North Queensland, we are pretty well-known for our Estaurine Crocodiles. But what about it’s smaller, shyer and (let’s admit it) cuter relative, the Freshwater Crocodile? Today we share our favourite fun and interesting facts about this incredible reptile. Freshwater Crocodile: Fast Facts Scientific Name: Crocodylus johnsoni Size: Up to 3 metres and […]

Monte Carlo The Baby Koala

baby koala monte carlo rainforestation nature park

Ladies and gentlemen, get your heart eyes at the ready as we introduce you to our newest resident; Monte Carlo the baby koala! He’s so cute, he’s so fluffy… **Insert inaudible oos, awws and mushy baby coos** Little Monte Carlo may only be eight months old, but he’s already proving himself to be stealing the […]

Rescue Koalas: Meet Rainforestation’s Newest Residents!

cairns rescue koala rainforestation nature park

Rainforestation has just welcomed two new rescue koalas! The fluffy new residents were both born wild, but unfortunately cannot return to the wild due to long-term sustained injuries. Luckily, at Rainforestation we are koala-ifed to welcome these cuties with open arms! Both of these female koalas arrived from Australia Zoo’s Wildlife Hospital and are settling […]

Meet Katie The Ear Wiggling Koala

koala at rainforestation kuranda

Meet Rainforestations newest resident, Katie the Koala! This sweet girl is winning hearts already with her adorable fluffy demeanour, but she has a little party trick too: she wiggles her ears! Watch Katie giving her best Dumbo impersonation in the video below: About Katie The Koala Katie is seven years old and arrived at Rainforestation […]

Baby Sugar Gliders!

cute baby sugar glider at rainforestation cairns

Just when you thought Rainforestation’s brood of Aussie animals couldn’t get any cuter, we welcome baby Sugar Gliders! Get your heart eyes at the ready as we introduce you to Rainforestation’s newest, and possibly cutest ever, residents: three Sugar Glilder Joeys!

Koala Breeding On The Cards

rainforestation breeding koala sunny male koala

With Koala breeding season upon us, we may be hearing the pitter-patter of tiny Koala claws very soon! For locals, the arrival of Spring in Cairns means greener grass, fuller waterfalls and rising heat. For wildlife keepers, Spring signals something far more prominent:  Koala breeding season. Local marsupial-lovers may be in for a treat, as […]

Meet Jimmy The Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo

jimmy lumholtz tree kangaroo rainforestation koala and wildlife park

We are proud to introduce you Rainforestation’s newest resident; Jimmy the Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo! This gorgeous three year old male arrived from Treeroo Rescue and Conservation Centre in Malanda, which is a non-for-profit organisation that rescues and rehabilitates Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroos. As you can see by the adorable video below, Jimmy in settling into his […]

10 Facts About Tasmanian Devils

sleeping tasmanian devil rainforestation nature park cairns

For those who don’t dwell Down Under, the phrase “Tasmanian Devil” immediately brings about childhood images of Looney Toons. Although Taz the cartoon character may share some traits with the real life carnivorous marsupial, he neither looks nor acts particularly like a real Tasmanian Devil. As the world’s largest surviving carnivorous marsupial, Tasmanian Devils are […]

Kiah the Koala’s mating call

Kiah the Koala

What are normally sleepy creatures during the day, our koalas were energetic as soon as cameras were pulled out! In the video beloew, you can hear Kiah the koala making a unique vocal sound. This sound is very distinctive and used as the koala’s mating call, or communicating to other koalas. Especially to those who […]

Gift a Year of Amazing Experiences!

Gift the CaPTA Group Annual Pass

Unlock a year of extraordinary value with the CaPTA Group Annual Pass! Enjoy visits to the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary, Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas, and Rainforestation Nature Park as often as you’d like for an entire year, and make memories that last a lifetime.