Rainforestation welcomes Juliet the Wombat

building an enclosure

Rainforestation Nature Park, located in Kuranda, has welcomed the latest arrival to their Koala & Wildlife Park – Juliet the Wombat.

Juliet, a four year old female Southern Hairy-Nosed wombat, arrived recently from Melbourne Zoo to much excitement from staff and guests alike.

Weighing 27 kilograms, she will initially reside in a temporary enclosure while her brand new purpose-built enclosure is completed.

Rainforestation Nature Park General Manager Chris Grantham said Juliet has settled into her new home quickly and was already a favourite with staff.

“Juliet has already made herself comfortable, digging new burrows and familiarising herself with her new enclosure,” he said.

“We are in the process of constructing a new split-level enclosure for her at the moment, which will offer guests the opportunity to view Juliet from above but also in her burrow through glass windows at the bottom of the enclosure.”

Juliet joins a range of native Australian animals at the Rainforestation Koala & Wildlife Park, including koalas, Tasmanian Devils, the Southern Cassowary, freshwater crocodiles, estuarine crocodiles and a several species of lizard and snake.

Her arrival coincides with the celebration of Rainforestation Nature Park’s 40th birthday, with several promotions and offers scheduled to run through 2016 to encourage locals to visit the park and recreate their memories from the last 40 years.

Rainforestation Nature Park has three unique attractions all on one site: Amphibious Army Duck Tours of the rainforest, the Pamagirri Aboriginal Experience, and the Koala & Wildlife Park. Rainforestation is situated on the Kennedy Highway, 5 minutes from Kuranda Village, and 30 minutes from Cairns.

For more information or to arrange an interview or media opportunity, please contact CaPTA Communications Officer Caitlin Williams on (07) 4041 9417 or 0437 724 529.

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