1976 in Cairns

1976 in Cairns

What was 1976 in Cairns like?

Rainforestation turns 40 in 2016, and it made us think about what 1976 in Cairns was like, and what the world was like 40 years ago … before iPhones, internet, and all of the other things we take for granted today!

In 1976, there were some key events around Australia:

  • Malcolm Fraser was Australia’s Prime Minister
  • Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen was the Premier of Queensland
  • The Australian Defence Force was formed – a unification of the Australian Army, the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Australian Air Force
  • Formula 1 Driver Mark Webber was born
  • Cricketer Brett Lee was born

Closer to home, 1976 was an important year for Cairns:

  • The population was approximately 34,857
  • Water supply from Copperlode Dam began, providing extra water for the region
  • The 100th anniversary of the founding of Cairns was celebrated
  • Dorothy Jones published the book, Trinity Phoenix, regarded as the first serious comprehensive history of Cairns

We’d love to hear your memories and stories of Cairns from the 1970s! If you have any to share, please email socialmedia@rainforest.com.au

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